Auto insurance is vital in owning a vehicle, providing vehicle owners with financial protection and peace of mind. However, there are some instances where insurance companies may be able to void or deny your insurance policy, leaving you on the hook for possibly hundreds if not thousands of dollars. It’s important for vehicle owners to know of these circumstances, to avoid ending up having their claim denied. We will explore some of these situations that could lead to your insurance coverage being voided.
Introduction to Car Insurance – Section B
Accident Benefits (also referred to as Section B coverage) is part of your own policy of car insurance, or the policy of a vehicle owner or driver. Continue reading “Introduction to Car Insurance – Section B”
Introduction to Your Car Insurance Policy
Under the Traffic Safety Act, Albertans are required to carry car insurance. Many us of purchase and renew our car insurance policy, hoping that we will be fortunate and never have to actually claim against them. Continue reading “Introduction to Your Car Insurance Policy”