If you’ve been involved in motor vehicle collision, you probably have a lot on your mind. Your vehicle may be damaged. Continue reading “What You Need to Know When You’ve Been in a Collision”
Sunam Jassar to Join Moustarah & Company as 2019/2020 Articling Student
Moustarah & Company are proud to announce that our current summer student, Sunam Jassar, will be joining us for her articles in 2019/2020. Ms. Jassar has a keen interest in the practice of personal injury law, and we are excited to have her on our team. Continue reading “Sunam Jassar to Join Moustarah & Company as 2019/2020 Articling Student”
Seeking 2018/2019 Articling Student: Apply Now
Looking for an articling position? Moustarah & Company are looking to hire a 2018/2019 Articling Student! Continue reading “Seeking 2018/2019 Articling Student: Apply Now”
Failure to Wear a Seatbelt and Contributory Negligence
This blog post explores how failing to wear a seatbelt may result in a finding of contributory negligence and how it can impact a personal injury claim. Continue reading “Failure to Wear a Seatbelt and Contributory Negligence”
Evidence in Personal Injury Law: Dash Cam Footage and More
It’s an all too common scenario: A person is injured in a motor vehicle accident. The facts seem to show that the other driver is at-fault… but the other driver is telling a different story that seems to suggest that the injured person is to blame for the accident. Continue reading “Evidence in Personal Injury Law: Dash Cam Footage and More”
Impaired Driving Law in Alberta Part 3: Bill c-46
In our last blog post in this series, we reviewed the new provincial Administrative Licence Suspension laws and their impact. Continue reading “Impaired Driving Law in Alberta Part 3: Bill c-46”