When Dogs Attack: Part 1 – Who is Responsible?
In Canada, a dog owner may be liable for injuries their dog inflicts on another person. Continue reading “Dog Attacks and Bites”
Personal injury law blog posts by Moustarah & Company, your Edmonton personal injury lawyer experts. Articles written by experienced personal injury lawyers that provide all victims in Alberta with extensive knowledge. Become informed about persona injury claims in Alberta.
In Canada, a dog owner may be liable for injuries their dog inflicts on another person. Continue reading “Dog Attacks and Bites”
In 2017 there were 1,637 collisions in Edmonton caused by a vehicle turning left across the path of oncoming traffic. Continue reading “Left-Turning Vehicles – Are They Always At Fault?”
In this fast-paced day and age, where many traditional business and service models are changing, it is not uncommon for people to be without a family doctor or regular doctor who they see on a consistent basis. Continue reading “Family Doctors and the Role They Have in a Personal Injury Claim”
Imagine a standard car accident claim. You are injured in an accident caused by another driver. Continue reading “Who Are the Different People Involved in a Car Accident Claim?”
A car accident can happen in the blink of an eye. You can go from waiting at a stop light one second to a collision the next. Continue reading “5 Things You Need to Remember Right After You’ve Been in a Collision”
As personal injury lawyers, we see a number of people who suffer from chronic pain, chronic pain syndromes, and fibromyalgia. Continue reading “Chronic Pain, Chronic Pain Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia”