Personal injury compensation for motor vehicle accidents often focuses on the drivers but passengers are also entitled to make a claim. Continue reading “DO PASSENGERS HAVE A CLAIM IN AN MVA?”
When Dogs Attack: Part 2 – What Happens to the Dog?
Who decides what happens to a dog that has attacked another person or animal without provocation? In Alberta, the fate of the dog is determined by a judge, in accordance with the Dangerous Dogs Act. Continue reading “When Dogs Attack: Part 2 – What Happens to the Dog?”
So, You’ve Been Subpoenaed to Testify at the Trial of the Driver of the Vehicle Who Hit You
If you witness or were involved in a motor vehicle collision, you may receive a subpoena requiring you to appear and testify as a witness at the trial for any civil or criminal proceedings commenced in connection with the accident. Continue reading “Subpoena”
I have been Arrested – What are my Rights?
Police in Canada have broad powers to arrest individuals whom they encounter. Continue reading “I have been Arrested – What are my Rights?”