Auto insurance is vital in owning a vehicle, providing vehicle owners with financial protection and peace of mind. However, there are some instances where insurance companies may be able to void or deny your insurance policy, leaving you on the hook for possibly hundreds if not thousands of dollars. It’s important for vehicle owners to know of these circumstances, to avoid ending up having their claim denied. We will explore some of these situations that could lead to your insurance coverage being voided.
Changes to Mandatory Reporting of Accidents to Police – New Law Coming To A Neighborhood Near You…
There are some upcoming changes to know about when it comes to reporting accidents in Alberta. As it stands, when you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, you must report the incident to the collision centre if there are injuries, death, or if there is combined property damage of $2,000 and over. However, starting in January 2024, the Government of Alberta is changing the mandatory reporting threshold for accidents.
What is the new threshold for reporting an accident?
With the holidays approaching, more and more people will be finding themselves circling the busy parking lots of shopping malls, grocery stores and other shopping centers in the coming weeks. These parking lots can all be potential minefields for accidents, injuries, and property damage, so it is important to know how this can occur and what to do if it happens to you.
Some Driving Mistakes Can Have Criminal Consequences
Criminal Law: Overview of Traffic-Related Offences
Civil Law versus Criminal Law Most traffic activity in the province is regulated in the civil realm through the Traffic Safety Act, including such things as:
· distracted driving,
· careless driving,
· speeding,
· and more
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Alberta Now Puts Limits on Auto Insurance Hikes “IF YOU ARE A GOOD DRIVER!!”
Changes to Insurance Premium Rates Starting in 2024
Some relief for insurance premium rates is in store for good drivers in Alberta. The Alberta Government is looking into ways to make insurance more easily affordable for Albertans.
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Alberta Fatal Accidents Act
Fatal Accidents : A Recent Case from British Columbia
Losing a family member in a fatal accident is tragic. When this loss is caused by another person’s negligence, it can leave many questions for those left behind. In this blog, we will look at a recent case out of British Columbia and how the losses can be accounted for in a tragic accident.