In Canada, a person who injures you as a result of his or her negligence must put you back in the position you were in before you were injured. Continue reading “HIT-AND-RUNS OR HIT BY UNINSURED DRIVERS: Can I still make a claim for my injuries?”
Impaired Driving Law in Alberta Part 3: Bill c-46
In our last blog post in this series, we reviewed the new provincial Administrative Licence Suspension laws and their impact. Continue reading “Impaired Driving Law in Alberta Part 3: Bill c-46”
Impaired Driving Law in Alberta Part 2: New Administrative Licence Suspensions
In our last blog post in this series, we reviewed the legal context of impaired driving laws, the history of administrative license suspensions, and the Sahaluk court cases. Continue reading “Impaired Driving Law in Alberta Part 2: New Administrative Licence Suspensions”
Impaired Driving Law in Alberta Part 1: The Sahaluk Saga
In April of 2018 new provincial impaired driving laws came in to effect in Alberta. Continue reading “Impaired Driving Law in Alberta Part 1: The Sahaluk Saga”